
PokeBuilder Logo

Our Project

We set out to build upon our massively successful PokeBuilder and add user accounts and the ability to save 6 pokemon to your toolbelt.

Table of Content

User Story

MVP Functionality

Languages Used

APIs Used

Project Screenshot



User Story

GIVEN a need to search for a Pokemon</br> WHEN I search for a Pokemon by typing name or number in the search field and press the GENERATE button.</br> THEN a high-quality, sprite representing a Pokemon and its abilities are dynamically generated.</br> WHEN I create a user</br> THEN I can log in and save my Pokemon to my toolbelt</br> WHEN I press the save button</br> THEN the last Pokemon generated will be saved to localstorage</br> WHEN I select the delete button.</br> THEN the last Pokemon searched is removed from the screen.</br> WHEN I press the log out button THEN I am able to log out of my user profile and am redirected to the login page

MVP Functionality

I am able to create a user account and after logging in I am able to generate any Pokemon and save up to 6 to my toolbelt

Languages Used

Nickname Generator

Stats, Sprites etc.

Project Screenshot

Project Screenshot

Project GitHub Repo
Deployed Project on Heroku
Poke Font Generator


Andy, Austin, Jem, and Kaia

Happy Dancing PikachuHappy Dancing PikachuHappy Dancing PikachuHappy Dancing PikachuHappy Dancing PikachuHappy Dancing PikachuHappy Dancing PikachuHappy Dancing PikachuHappy Dancing PikachuHappy Dancing PikachuHappy Dancing PikachuHappy Dancing PikachuHappy Dancing PikachuHappy Dancing PikachuHappy Dancing Pikachu