We set out to build upon our massively successful PokeBuilder and add user accounts and the ability to save 6 pokemon to your toolbelt.
GIVEN a need to search for a Pokemon</br> WHEN I search for a Pokemon by typing name or number in the search field and press the GENERATE button.</br> THEN a high-quality, sprite representing a Pokemon and its abilities are dynamically generated.</br> WHEN I create a user</br> THEN I can log in and save my Pokemon to my toolbelt</br> WHEN I press the save button</br> THEN the last Pokemon generated will be saved to localstorage</br> WHEN I select the delete button.</br> THEN the last Pokemon searched is removed from the screen.</br> WHEN I press the log out button THEN I am able to log out of my user profile and am redirected to the login page
I am able to create a user account and after logging in I am able to generate any Pokemon and save up to 6 to my toolbelt
Project GitHub Repo
Deployed Project on Heroku
Poke Font Generator